Wednesday, September 28, 2011

old post - geowoodstock vii

Another old post and an album - this one from May 25, 2009. Post is first, then the album below.

There is an associated album that goes with this post - same name - find it on the “albums” page above...

We had a GREAT time at our first GeoWoodstock. When we found out it was only 3-1/2 hours away, we made the effort to go. Some last minute “issues” meant we wouldn’t get to go the night before and stay the whole weekend, but we changed our plans and got up EXTRA early Saturday morning so we could travel up. We are SO glad we did!

As its namesake implies, it’s a MEGA gathering of geocachers from around the world. Though we met several new cachers and had some interesting conversations, the ones we already knew were the ones we had the most fun with - the JAG crew. Roger, Damon, John - the wives :) - we all had a great time visiting. Got to see Sonny & Sandy again (haven’t seen them in person since NECC a few years ago), met a cacher from Kentucky that we’ve had the pleasure of hunting his hides, etc.

We wound up staying one night because we were so exhausted, and did some caching Sunday with Yogi & BDD before heading home. WHEW - now we’re resting on a school holiday.

One last note - all the pics have the incorrect date. Sorry. I need to change my camera’s date. :) It was actually the 23rd of May, 2009.

And here's the album that's mentioned...

me & Vanessa


The Don

Diane & Mrs. T

Mrs T & Bashful

that's me

petting zoo

main stage

crowd shot

GeoWoodstock Store

me & TB

oversize TB's

more parking duty



here lies...


this little piggy




BDD again

reviewers on stage

stage ver 2

reviewers 3

BDD & Dolphin

Mrs T BDD and Dolphin

water bottle

country posing

hunting beaver

me in scenic

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