Saturday, October 8, 2011

my week in pics

First, a bit of journaling housekeeping... Has been almost a week since I posted here, and the last posts were "old posts" I was archiving. Monday Kyle had his ear surgery. This is, hopefully, the last surgery due to his car wreck on New Year's Day. They went in and repaired some bone damage under the ear drum. He goes back Tuesday to get the "packing" removed. It was a 45 minute procedure, but he was in Pre-op for over three hours, then the actual procedure took about 20 minutes. The doctor said it went off without a hitch! Since he'd not had anything to eat since before midnight, we went to one of his favorite places...

I also want to mention that a dear friend actually drove to the surgery center to see us and make sure we didn't need anything. Thank you, David, for taking your lunch break and coming to see us! Very cool of you!

Spent a couple of days in Murfreesboro meeting with the TETA Board of Directors. Good stuff, but very tiring. Took some pics along the way. This was at a truck stop that had a "western" corner. The only shirt they had that was big enough was this one, though, and not "vintage" enough...

I thought it was encouraging to even find them though! For those that might not know (and I don't know if I've put it in blog form or not), I've been looking for something in vintage style for my stage clothes. When I started with NashVegas it was on a trial basis - to make sure they were comfortable with me, but more so that I could have an "out" if I didn't want to stay. Well, once I made the decision to stay I bought a new hat, started wearing my boots on stage, started doing my best to look "western," like I used to.

This next pic was taken as I checked in (on Foursquare) to a little town that me & daddy used to drive to. It's right on Hwy 96 between Franklin and Murfreesboro. This building used to be a retread plant where we'd take truck tires to and sell them. Brings back memories for sure...

So, while I'm in Murfreesboro, I stop at this specific store to get Vanessa something. I was going to find a Charming Charlies no matter how far I had to drive. Turns out there was one RIGHT BEHIND the hotel.

While I'm there I ask one of the helpful sales staff if she knew where I might find a place that sells western shirts - vintage, retro, etc. She tells me of French's Boot & Shoe, so I drive out. WOW! They had several of shirts that were EXACTLY what I was looking for. 

 I'm not good at taking those mirror shots like you see, but here's the one I finally settled on... Took this shot so I could send it to Vanessa to see what she thought...

The two ladies working the register were nice enough to give me their opinion as well, and I asked one of them to take a pic so I could send it to Vanessa, who approved. I know the pics don't do it justice, but it's a very nice black shirt with gold toned embroidery.

Okay - was going to talk about last night, but that's enough for one day's post. :-)

1 comment:

jimmylogan said...

Thx sis - I'm proud to finally have found one. :-) Love you too...