Sunday, August 28, 2011

My Only Love

Silver Anniversary - that's what tomorrow is. Vanessa and I were married 25 years ago tomorrow. She just gave me my card for this year and it really touched me. It was as if she had written it herself. THANK YOU!!!

I gave her her gift Friday night. I surprised her with a song I had written just for her and to commemorate this time. I'll be recording it and putting it online very soon, but wanted to keep it a secret until it was time to reveal it.

A special thank you to those that had a hand in helping me pull it off, and a thank you to those that knew but still helped to keep the secret. A BIG thank you to Vanessa - for the years she's given me as well as the support and the love.

You have always been my only love...

1 comment:

Van said...

I love you babe!!!