Thursday, October 21, 2021

Confession Time

     I was listening to Dr. Tony Evans on the way to work this morning and I was VERY very convicted of something... He mentioned Christians not having time to build the temple when they had time to 'panel their houses.' So we shouldn't make our house better with everything we have but ignore the Lord's house - got it. Simple enough.

Then he goes on to say, and this is where MY toes got sore, we as Christians are doing OTHER things instead of HIS things. Did you 'not have time' to read your devotional today? Really? What did you have time for then? Ouch...

So, first break I got, I grabbed the Voice of the Martyrs magazine and read the next story. Not really a devotional, but it really touched me. This person, Sara, is being threatened by anti-Christian people, yet she and her husband are still witnessing and giving out bibles and having bible study. One of the bibles they use? The ACTION BIBLE! I have a copy of this, but have only read a bit of it...

It's a graphic novel style bible. Yes - a comic book! I've become less enthralled with modern comics - Flash and Green Lantern have been favorites for years, but they just don't hold my attention right now, and then with the pro-gay 'agenda' now affecting comic books? I have less and less respect or desire to explore the genre. But the Action Bible! Now that's another story!

I picked up my comic at Christian Publishers Outlet - in Jackson, Tennessee. They show it online, but in the store it was, I think, $9.99. VERY much worth it!!!

So, I'm convicted now - how about you? What are YOU doing INSTEAD of reading, studying, spreading the word? I know what I'm doing - God has shown me and I'm asking for His help to overcome this in my life. How about you?

God Bless you, gentle reader...

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