Monday, September 20, 2021

Gencon 2021

Well, as I type this, Gencon 2021 is currently underway. I miss it. No ifs ands or buts about it, I miss it. Covid has done a number on things like this, so it wouldn't be the same experience even if it was where I could go this year. I hope my friends that do attend get to have a good time.

Meanwhile, I have a friend coming in from out of town this weekend as he's passing through from one job site to another and we are getting together to play some games! Just a quiet little thing, but I'll try to share some pics... He's a big x-wing fan and even provided me with my movement templates, focus tokens, etc. to use! Sadly, I've not TOUCHED my x-wing stuff other than to move the bags from the old white truck when I sold it to the Ford.

I plan to take Gaslands as well, so hopefully we'll get a chance to play that too... Randy has been a long time off and on player in my PBEM games, and we actually met in person in Indy a few years ago. He was working in Louisville, I think it was, and made the drive to Indy to meet me and Biff from Shuttle Tyderium podcast and some other local guys (all friendly, all accepting, and all fun to be around!) to play X-Wing at a local store. I remember it was raining as I drove from Kyle's house out to the game store.

Anyway, same guy - he's going out of his way to stop in Dyersburg so we can get together. Looking forward to it!!!

EDIT: Okay, no pics, but we had a blast! Played EPIC (huge ships)...

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