No - we don't 'do' Black Friday at my house. We will browse for sales online (I actually placed an order for a gift yesterday while quietly enjoying some Sawdust Pie - in a pecan shell, of all things!) and I did make a McDonald's run this morning because Emmett wanted pancakes. :-)
I was placing the order on my phone and said "hotcakes" and he said, "no, Pop, I want PAN cakes."
So otherwise, the day has been a long one in Indy enjoying time with Kyle, except when he was at work, and Devin and Emmett. He spent a big part of the day using his imagination in "Mimi & Pop's room" with us.
Vanessa is not feeling so hot. Her foot is healing, but still has a ways to go. It's that time of year, and things are busy. Taking care of her mom & dad is something she and I are happy to do, but I can tell it's adding to the stress. We have a conference coming up and I'm hoping that it will be some 'quiet time' away as well as getting some excitement back about teaching...
I have a link to share - feel free, gentle reader, to go read this man's common words said in a VERY uncommon way first, then come back for my rebuttal - LOL
Back? Okay...
I love me some live shows as well, sir, and I totally get that! I am six foot four inches with bad knees as well and there are some things you just have to work around. :-) I have very few shirts, as compared to some people, and will cycle through them for work and church. I also have very few board games, considering that's such a fun hobby of mine! As much as I enjoy playing games, I own the ones that I WANT to play the most, plus a few I've picked up because Vanessa wanted it, or I thought it would be good for 'party' time get togethers (family times). Those don't happen much though...
I very much enjoyed your paragraph about church! I regret to say that I didn't take my Christianity as serious when I was younger, but I've committed myself to Him and am always TRYING to be on the lookout for opportunities to serve.
And the story of leading the people in the songs! Yes! I can so much relate to that! We don't have sing a longs any more, and that's a sad thing... It's also one of the things I enjoyed most about your radio show. The ones I've listened to over and over have me remembering the songs and singing along. I love your 'parody' lyrics of "the blue black bugs" and other ones, and I still relate "Hello Love" to YOUR voice, not others I've heard sing it. I felt like you meant it when I saw you in Memphis and when I would listen on the radio.
One last thing - I wasn't the oldest at Thanksgiving - that honor fell to my daughter-in-laws father, but Vanessa and I weren't too far behind I'm sure. :-) I did have the realization a few years ago at the funeral of an aunt that MY generation (me, my siblings, my cousins) were now the OLDEST generation on my father's side... He was one of eight kids and now they are all gone.
So this trip is drawing to a close. I'm not at all excited about having to leave. It's been fun, but I know we have things to do at home... We have a home to finish prepping, for one thing (I have more switches and receptacles to change out - I need to build some shelves, etc.) - and the work responsibilities, as well as doctor visits (hello again getting older! Did you think I forgot you?) and taking care of the in-laws. But I have the pleasure of spending time with the family and traveling with Vanessa. I pray she can make it through this time and come out the other side with happy memories... Ya'll pray too, please!