Sunday, October 21, 2012

October 2012 Updates

Howdy! I know it's been a while since I've posted here, but I've been posting on Facebook and Twitter as things have happened. Well now I have so much to talk about that it's too much to try and say 140 characters at a time. :-)

First, in case you haven't heard, my writing is still continuing. I had the pleasure of co-writing a song with someone I met on the NSAI forums. It's my first "cheatin' song" and is posted on my YouTube channel at

I was asked to come play bass at Henderson last Saturday night. I only sang a few, but that's okay. I knew I was being hired to play bass and it was a good time. I do enjoy bass, but prefer guitar of course, but still get a kick out of people that think I'm only a bass player. There are people that have known I've been a musician for years and have never heard me play bass, but now there are people that have only seen me play at dances and think I'm just a bass player. Kinda funny. :-)

So anyway, I played that and was asked to play a couple of Thursday nights, but was not able to make it.

We still drop in at Halls from time to time to dance a few and see Max and Sue. We dropped in last week and Max took a few minutes after the dance to show me some things on the steel guitar. That's the instrument I'd like to tackle next, but they are NOT cheap... Going to keep my ears open though.

So anyway, it's normal while we're there for them to get me on stage to do a few songs. Sometimes I'll play the bass and sometimes I'll play the lead. The lead player has a nice Telecaster with three pickups (Nashville style) and it's fun to trade licks with Max. Well at the end of the night the band leader asked if I was booked next week. "No," I replied, so he asked me to come and sit in all night - on LEAD.

Last night I changed the strings on my Gretsch and took time to polish it up real good and dress the neck as well. Here's a couple of pics I took...

Kyle has offered the use of his amp before, so last night I took time to make some adjustments on three of the presets. It's a 50 watt Johnson with built in modeling and effects, so I'll be taking it and using it. As I said above, I prefer guitar, so I'm really looking forward to this. :-)

Had some other things happen... Yesterday we sung at Ripley at a benefit for the park. Vanessa and I sang some covers and I did some original songs as well. It was a fun afternoon - perfect weather (not hot at all, but not cold either) - and a retired teacher and her husband came out to see us perform! Thanks again for the fish dinner you two!

Then today... Ahh... As long time readers of my blogs know, I used to play in a gospel group known as New Heaven's Echos. I was with them for about 7-1/2 years. They continued together for a few years after I left them and then finally broke up into two other groups. One of the groups is still singing regularly and the other is, as far as I know, not really traveling, but still doing a few songs together.

Well yesterday we found out that the part that doesn't sing as much anymore are members at a church where the others were scheduled to sing for Homecoming. Vanessa and I thought it would be GREAT to go and see them! When we got there I was asked if I had my guitar, and of course the story goes that if I have my pants, I have my guitar, and I *DID* have pants on...

So the singing started with Living Truth, a group of guys that we've known for some time. Rusty Petty used to play piano with The Joylanders - Hal Rodgers has two sons and used to have a family group - Joe Gant has been singing for longer than I've known him - and Grady Fowler with whom I had the pleasure of meeting at last year's Quartet Convention.

Anyway, they started out, then Hershell's group, Blessed Assurance, took the stage. Hershell asked me to join them on guitar, and of course I did. Afterward some people from the church sang and Rusty and I played for Vanessa to sing God Will Make this Trial a Blessing. Seems that the unplanned theme of the day was miracles.

Then Pam, Cindy and Rachel sang a few songs, then they invited Hershell and Jean to the stage. This meant the four singing parts from New Heaven's Echos were on the same stage again for the first time in a LONG time! The pictures are a little blurry, but you'll get the idea...


Needless to say it was a special moment of which I am VERY grateful to have been a part. That was the signature song "Miracle in Me" being performed.

A great time for sure! Love you guys!

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