Monday, May 25, 2015

Still here...

I've been way out of the habit of posting here and I apologize to you, gentle reader, and to my future self...

What's been going on? Not in any particular order...

Playing in a band every Saturday night for a great group of dancers and fans! Good times! Long drive home after but good times nonetheless!

Playing X-Wing miniatures game every chance I get. I've been going, when I can, to Murray, Kentucky to play with some great players in the store there, and playing in Dyersburg when they're not doing something there. 

Finishing up school. The day job "bill paying activity" known as work has been stressful and hectic with online testing, new wireless rollout and general end of year "gotta have it now" things. :-)

Regretting not being at gencon this year... :-(

Planning for our first grand baby!

GMing two groups with Star Wars RPG - online with the best group of gamers a 48 year old teenager can have! And locally at the store in Ripley. 

Planning for side gigs at two relay for life events as well as Discovery Park in Union City. 

More later...

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