Friday, September 17, 2021

Social Media Fasting

I get several emails a day. Okay, that's a lie - I get DOZENS a day, sometimes hundreds. It very easy to let things slip through. There's one particular one I get that sometimes I skim just because it doesn't grab me. Well, this morning, this one grabbed me!!!

Turn Off the Tech

by Rebekah Lyons, from A Surrendered Yes

Also - you can find it at my favorite store here - A Surrendered Yes

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to copy/paste it all here, so I'll link to it... Read it all here

I'm gonna tell you now, this is a GREAT message! It sounds weird to be sharing this on a blog that I will instantly link to from Facebook and Twitter, but the truth is I don't 'hang out' on Facebook like I used to. I don't sign in to Four Square (I think that's what it was called) any more - I don't sign in on Facebook either, unless it's a movie or concert or something that I specifically WANT to share.

Now if you do this, or 'live on Facebook,' I'm not judging. To some people, that may be the only life they have, which makes it even MORE important to me that when I share something it's something worth sharing. I think this is one of those things. :-)

What's even more astounding is that I received a promotional email about this very same book and immediately went to Libby to see if it was available via the app from the library. Alas, it was not to be, but that's okay. And the fact that I read this devotion passage today BEFORE I knew it was from this book... Well... You might believe in coincidence. I don't. LOL

God Bless You and Keep You, Gentle Reader

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